Our littlest cheering section

Bjorn and Uncle Simon

Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Shena, Uncle Simon, Aunt Beki and friends came to see the play Hannelora was in.

Hannelora is the first, standing in back. She was part of the wolf gang.

Kjersten, Hannelora, Annie and Hannah

Every year MCT (Missoula Children's Theatre) comes to Billings and gives our kids a chance to be in a play. They put it together in one week, memorizing lines and their songs. It is a fun week for Hannelora but very busy. Zeb is excited to do it next year, he think he gets to be Batman..... Hmmmm..... I did tell him they are usually fairy tale stories. He apparently thinks Batman is a fairy tale, ahhhh, how little minds work. Way to go Hannelora, you did a fantastic job!
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