Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Silly Boys

bath time

What kind of bath would it be without Batman?

I don't know about you, but I can't see Nathan, can you? He is testing out his camo backpack while he is ironing his shirt for work. Isn't that priceless?

I think Bjorn wants to be a stow away for the next sleep over at his grandparents house!

Ocean Box

In the girls hands are jelly fish made from plastic wrap.

Here are some whales coming out of the water and a few other sea creatures we couldn't fit in the box.

We finally finished our Zoology Zoo Box. We studied Sea Creatures of the 5th Day, they loved it. They always wanted me to keep reading. It was fun to see them enjoy science, now we are onto Zoology 3, Land Animals of the sixth day. It will be interesting to see what kind of projects we will have this time around. Of course, it can't be any more exciting then sea monkeys! Those things don't ever die, we had to give them a new habitat. We wished they goodbye and flushed them down the toilet...


Pumpkin and salsa

Our pumpkin from the garden.... It was huge, I only got to 2 out of the 5.

The inside...

Nathan actually likes to can, he is such a big help.

Last weekend I spent time canning salsa and pumpkin. It is a lot of work, but so worth it. I also canned apples as well on Monday. Now I just have to organize my shelves in the basement so they look all nice and pretty. Hmmm.... Now if I can find the time.....

Paper airplanes

I tried desperately to capture a flying plane, no such luck!

I bought a book for Zeb on how to make paper airplanes, it turns out all the kids enjoyed making them. In fact, it brought back memories for me when I made my own. Oh the simple things. How fun.