Monday, July 22, 2013

Big Sky Triatholon- I beat my time!

Well by one minute...  I am ok with that, as long as I got faster.  I was hardly nervous until I looked up last year's time.  I did so well I couldn't believe I could get much faster.  I think I did well especially since I have been sick for over 2 weeks with a cold.  In fact, I had to carry a tissue on my run.  Hee, hee!  I talked with God and prayed that if he took care of all the fish in my path and the wind, I would do my part and do my best:)  He did half of it, no fish but there was wind coming back on the bike.  Maybe he thought I wasn't working hard enough?

  Last years time:  swim:  13:48   transition 1 :  1:54   bike:  53:45  transition 2:    :45    run:  21:49  total:  1 hour 32 min.

This years time:  swim:  13:19     transition 1:  2:04   bike:  53:48  transition 2:   :33   run:  21:30     total:  1 hour  31 min.

It is apparent if I want to get any faster, I need to work on my bike.  Hmmm....  maybe I can get Nathan to coach me?  or better yet, get him back on his bike? 

I have to laugh because I actually swam over a very big man in the beginning. He was totally in my way and I didn't feel to bad because he had a wet suit, he'd float.  In fact I almost had to do it again because he kept crossing over.  I don't know how many people sight when they swim in the open water.  It is crazy mayhem in the beginning...  I had a hard time seeing with the sun coming up and getting out onto the beach I had to lift up my goggles because I couldn't see and I felt very disoriented.   I dove into the water too soon the second time because of it and cut my knees on the rocks at the bottom.   In fact, when I finished the swim I couldn't shake it, so I felt like I was fumbling around getting my shoes on.  Weird sensation indeed.

I felt ok on my bike, I went faster than I have on my practice runs but not by much.  I think spinning once a week is going to be bumped up to at least twice/week next year.  I had one gal pass me on a hill making it look like we were going downhill.  Amazing how much stamina she had. 

Running is always a different feeling after getting off the bike.  I thought I was going so slow, but in reality I was keeping last years pace.  Not too shabby. 

My dad counted how many people were ahead of me.  This is what he came up with:  I was the 7th person out of the water.  The 27th back from biking and 17th in on the run.  There were 2 races going on at the same time:  the Duatholon run/bike/run and the triatholon.  The Duatholon racers would have finished their first run before the swimmers.  It would be interesting to go back through the times to find out when I actually came in among just the triatholon racers.  I did get 2nd in my age division.  Fair to say there were only 2 of us.  This gal I actually beat last year, she got first  and had the fastest time for the women.  I got 3rd in the overall women.  There were 32  women altogether and 35 men not including the tri teams that entered.

Afterward, my girls wanted to do the kid tri next year.  We will see...

My number tattooed on my let, just joking it is permanent marker.   The T stands for triatholon and the Duatholon people would mark a D.   My timing chip is on my ankle.  I hated because it felt like it was going to come off in the water.  Normally I wouldn't worry, but my ankles are so small there is hardly any where for the Velcro to attach to. 

 trying to control my nerves

 talking to my dad

I am one of those teeny tiny swimmers out there....

 Almost halfway done...

 taking off my goggles to see

 obviously we had to run past the women in red...
 Finished swim- thanks God, no fish anywhere in sight!

 running to my bike

 desperately trying to wipe off the little rocks on my feet and putting on socks on half wet feet

off on my bike...

 Obviously, not a lot to do while waiting for bikers to come back.  So take pictures and....

 cut toe nails and have grand daughters paint toes!  Hee, hee!

 coming back

 3 miles left to go

I am done!

 My friend Laquita's first tri race.  It is an accomplishment just doing it!

 Now that we are done, we can sit back and enjoy the rest of the summer.  No more training.  It will be a nice break.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

We finally finished painting Analise's bed and framing Maps for Zeb's room

We bought this bed years ago, I had every intention of painting over the red and black lady bugs.  Also, (which drove me crazy) every where else was painted in pastels.  So Analise and I painted the bed and night stand white.  I painted the lady bugs and Cozi helped with the rest.  Yea!  Now I am all done with rooms.  At least for now...

A few weeks ago,  I found frames in the basement for some posters I have saved for Zeb's room.  

Map of the US

 Map of the World
 Another Map of the world, which I cut up and placed in 3 frames.  The bottom frame I painted  the orange in his room.
 Of course a Smith & Wesson aluminum gun poster
Nathan hung it up, it is my bad photography skills that made it all cockeyed.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Our garden is so beautiful

My mouth was watering for lasagna.  So I tried it with eggplant as the noodles.  I fried them in olive oil and then layered the meat, ricotta cheese and eggplant.  Viola!  It was great.  Although I think next time I will peel the outside.  It tends to be a little tougher.

Yum!  The kids enjoyed it, some would like the eggplant out.  I would try it again though!

I am so happy, I wanted to reseal our patio for a couple of years now.  The sun destroyed the top coat and now it looks brand new and you can see the color!  I love it!  Our next project is to build the pergola.  We will see how far we get tomorrow.  I love our backyard.  

 We planted black raspberries about 4 years ago and we hardly had any. This year we have a ton! 

 strawberries, raspberries and snap peas
 The garden which has grown amazingly this year, I am not sure if it is the weather, chicken poop, help from my parents or all  of the above.:  tomato plants-my dad grew these from seed

 in the back are zuchini and acorn squash

 carrots, onions, garlic, radishes, parsnips, lettuce, kale and potatoes  (the rogue pumpkin plant is growing over the lettuce and kale)

 strawberries and pumpkins

 snap peas, brussel sprouts, and green beans

More raspberry picking on the side of the house.
 On another note:  I have been really struggling with my son, Sebastian.  We always seem to butt heads.  It is really hard to teach him responsibility because he blames everyone else for his problems.  He seems to be miserable about everything these days.  He hates GAPS (he is fine until he sees other kids eat junk food- he wants this really bad.  I told him if it is so bad he could eat beans for every meal.  Forget the eggs, sausage, icecream, smoothies......), he doesn't want to be home schooled (he thinks he is the only one this summer doing school-one of his school friends is even doing  worksheets everyday) It is always something.  I told him he was the only one responsible for his happiness and that only he can decide to be happy or miserable.  He just doesn't get it and I am really struggling right now.  Karen told me to not engage with him and his arguing, but I seem to fail every time.  Ughhhhh!  I hate seeing him angry all the time, but I am not going to change things just because he doesn't like it.  I wish I knew how to help him.  Please Lord, help me with my son and wisdom as a mommy. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer.... My favorite time of the year!

I love summer!  Heat, sun, pool, time with friends, less school....Ahhhhh!   I have been doing really well, (except this week, I got the cold that was running around my household for the last 2 weeks).
How fast summer flies when one spends mornings doing reading and math, going to the Y with the kids to work out every few days, going to the Oasis or Lake Elmo 2-3 times a week.  I feel so rejuvenated hanging out with friends.  I feel so isolated in the winter, I need my quality time with people. 

I am not sure if it is because of the summer, but the food prep isn't all that bad.  Yes, I still get tired of cooking, but I also think we are getting use to not missing the food we had to cut.  We talk about possibly getting off Gaps in Jan.  My kids need a goal and another 6-7 months seems attainable instead of another full year.  I think we will continue to eat very similarly to this any way.  I won't go back to boxed cereals again or boxed meals like mac and cheese.  The kids continue to ask if we can have this or that meal when we are off GAPS and I say of course. 

I haven't felt so good emotionally and physically in a long time.  I have been gearing up for the Big Sky State Triathlon.  I seem to be fine when I skip my amino acids every now and then.  Which is fantastic.  Who knew I would be off anti-depressants so soon.  I am very grateful.  One other great news, Bjorn is almost potty trained at night!  He has slowly been doing better since we finished Intro.  He may wet the bed 1-2 times a week.  When we went camping a few weeks ago, Nathan told everyone he actually likes GAPS.  I never thought I would here this come out of his lips.  I would never have believed a high fat/high protein diet would have a good affect on us.  Especially coming from someone with an eating disorder.  This alone, proves how well I am doing!  Yea!

Our new favorite breakfast.  Omelets!  The kids love to decide what to put into them.  It is crazy how we still love eggs. 
cheese and a few red peppers
 Cozi just sticks with regular scrambled eggs with cheese.
 Bjorn loves to help cook...
 cheese, green onions, onion, garlic powder and parsley
 Hannelora and I have the works! 

This is what 2 1/2 packages of hot dogs looks like.  And there are none left.  I am so happy they make them without nitrates and nitrites.  We have them almost every weekend!
 Of course, we can't eat them without mustard and our homemade ketchup- store bought has sugar

I almost bought pickles and looked on the ingredient list, who knew there was yellow food coloring in it.  I guess I will be making my own this summer.  

One of our easiest lunches ever, chicken stir-fry!  I love the rotisserie chickens at Costco.  
 Last week I made vanilla chocolate chip (carob chips) ice cream.  Amazing!  I am so excited, I decided to get 2 gallons of milk a week so I can have more cream and milk for the kids to drink.