Friday, February 13, 2009

Finally, great bread

Yeah! They may not win a beauty contest, but they taste delicious with great texture. Finally after a year! Now I just have to work on my presentation... Katherine, my sister-in-law told me about wheat gluten. Amazing!

Spikey hair

After bath one night, I brushed Bjorn's hair in a mohawk
in his camo pjs

crazy hair

Kjersten hairsprayed Zeb's hair for Awana on Wednesday night for Crazy Hair Day. Ummmmm.... we are going to have to do it next week as well, it isn't crazy hair day until next week. Oops! I had better keep better track.

Once-a-month-cooking with the girls

playing and watching Veggie Tales
Kjersten with Bjorn and Coz sucking her thumb

the older girls playing cards

Sheryl and Karen

Laquita shows her funny side. A momma of 5 (one set of twins). She is at the burrito station and poor girl wanted to 4x the recipe- she made over 60 burritos! Stir girl!

We wanted to try cooking like Dinner Served. Heather (middle in blue shirt) pulled all this together. It is so nice, I now have 10 meals in my freezer. We made Cheesy Chicken Bundles, Meatballs, Burritos, 3 cheese pasta, and Chicken Potpie.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hannelora's hair

Hannelora usually comes down in the morning with her hair done, but this I was quite impressed. I don't know how she makes it stay. I have never had luck. Looks like she is becoming like my sister: a-jack-of-all-trades.

Size 3!

My what a big boy! Bjorn is 8 months old and has graduated into a size 3 diaper!

A few projects

For our art, we made bowls from clay like ancient pottery. They formed balls and pressed them into paper bowls. Then they decorated them by scratching into them. I should do this more often, it took awhile and they loved it.

Analise shows off her "ancient" animal cracker

Here is to my sis-in-law Katherine: for Christmas she sent Bjorn a foot and hand frame kit. I don't know, he didn't look like he minded it too much?

Bjorn's prints

the final outcome

Half-way there

Hannelora is half-way to the next level! She passed balancing on the beam and front rolls (not sure what else)... Now she needs to work with keeping her legs straight in cart wheels and work into the lunge with her handstands. This is tough to do, I tried doing a cartwheel... Lets just say it has been a while. Oh to be young again. Maybe in a few weeks she will get her purple ribbon!
Way to go Hannelori! Mommy is proud of you.

Zeb and his paper motorcycle

Zeb rolled up a bunch of paper and I taped them. I didn't know how he brought all this together, he just knew where all the peices went. This is his motorcycle for daddy, next he wants to make a horse for Hannelora...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cozi and Kjersten's birthday party

We now have an 8 and 6 year old!
Karen and I combined the girls birthdays together. We did a bowling party. A great idea!

Our bowling ball and pin cupcakes! They were loaded with frosting!

The bowling alley put up bumpers for the little kids.
daddy shows Hannelora how to bowl

Analise watches, I don't think she could hold onto the ball if she wanted to!

Kjersten, Aspen and Emma
momma helps Cozi bowl

The girls

Zeb tries to bowl


Karen and I

Sarah Grace

Finally, we get the cupcakes!

Cozi and her crew

Zeb and his crew

Hannelora and her crew

...and the older boys

a beautiful fairy dress from Ellie

a cheer leading set from Kjersten and Karen

Littlest Pet shop soap from Sarah Grace

The Second Party
I made a cake for Cozi, the purple is suppose to be a ball of yarn with a baby kitten on top of it. It didn't quite turn out the way I planned, but everyone said the cake was good. That is all that matters.

Cozi opens gifts

Uncle Simon and Justen used to play the fishing game when they were boys. They are having fun playing with my kids. How cute!

Yeah, Cozi is 6 and I pulled 2 parties off in one day without any problems. Wow! I can say that is an accomplishment! Thanks everyone for coming over.