Monday, December 30, 2013

The Abrams, Christmas piano recital and Christmas preparations....

The Abrams came to Billings during Thanksgiving and we had a few fun hours with them.  I told Cozi to take a few pictures of their friends and they were mostly of my kids.... 

Kaila, sleeping?

 Niviah sitting on Lizzy's lap

Zeb, Bjorn, Owen and Grant
 me and Becca

The old gang
 all the girls

Christmas recital at Saint Johns retirement home.  Unfortunately, we had a poor seats.  One of our friends said he was videoing it and he would give us a disc.  Very sweet of him.  Thanks Marc!
 Cozi- she played Up on the House Top

She was so cute.  When she was done, she got up and started walking to her seat.  Half way their she remembered she needed to bow and so she did. 

 Hannelora played We Three Kings

 Hannelora said she loved it.  She told me, "Mom, I didn't care how red my face was, I just wanted to keep playing!"

Baking for Christmas!  
Fudge-totally GAPS legal


 I also made snickers and pecan shortbread cookies.

DONUTS!  Our neighbor Vicki let us borrow her Donut maker.  So good and moist!
 So easy Cozi made them

My mom wanted me to paint this picture of a baby Great Dane resting in his mom's paws.  It didn't turn out so bad.  I don't think I have painted on a canvas since college.  My mom cried when she received her gift.

Braces in November

One of the biggest expenses this year was 2 kids in braces.  $5,000 a piece, at least our insurance covers a thousand each.  Yikes!  The good news, Cozi has stopped sucking her thumb because I told her she wasn't going to get them unless she did. 

 Unfortunately, Cozi had to have 2 teeth pulled.  She was so brave acting like it was no big deal...  Until the gal called her name.  She stood up turned around and looked at me and started to cry.  She was so good, she actually went.  This is a miracle, I am certain a year ago she would have clung to me and would not let the dentist do the procedure.  Had that happen before.  Nothing is more frustrating when a mom makes an appointment and then has to walk out and rescheduling.  I kept telling her I was so proud of her.

 This has nothing to do with braces, but I was so proud of my bbq beef.  It was so good and tender....  mmmmmm.....

Laquita gave us some clothes from Aaron and this was in there.  Analise and I begged him to try it on.   SO funny!
Love the clip on tie!