Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A little bit of everything

The Honor Flight

We waited for about an hour, but the whole family agreed it was neat to see.  These veterans should be honored.  Any military person should be.  

My oh my!  Our chicken laid a quarter pound egg!  Twice the size of a reg. egg.  It was a double yolker.

 Zeb's heart shaped breakout. 

 Bjorn's cheeks look so much better.
 We are eating chicken cacciatore for lunch.

Mitten making with Jordan last Friday.  I bought material a few months back.  With old wool sweaters, we can make 6 mittens for $10.  Pretty good.   We finished the girls, they are adorable. 

 Jordan and Hannelora are the sewers.  Cozi and I were the cutters and Analise helped pin.

 Our mittens! Hip, Hip Hurray!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

GAPS is an art not a science!

I know art and I think I have failed!  I literally have no clue why my children broke out.  They are all on stage six and slowly moving onto Full Gaps.  What I thought I knew, I knew nothing.  I am just happy everyone is getting better.   I did get a cold, which is very mild.  I am baffled.  My immune system is getting healthier but now I feeling like the rest of my body is falling apart.  I totally feel like I am becoming a hypochondriac.  I am going back to the dentist to get a root canal.  I have to do this twice.  The first time he needs to go back in and place medicine in the infected area and seal it up and then a few weeks later I have to get it done.  I do not handle pain well, so he prescribed Valium.  I wish he would hit me over the head with a hammer instead....   A week ago, I noticed a pain on the left side of my neck and skull.  I can trace a line from my jaw pain to the pain in my neck.  Whenever I turn my head (at least most of the time) it cracks and I feel a dull pain.  Also, I may have a hernia right above my belly button.   Jordan told me not to worry about it unless it gets bigger and painful.  O brother!  Seriously,  I am only turning 37 this Friday.  Hmmmmm.... I believe this gives me a great excuse to celebrate my birthday for a week.  I mean who knows what other ailment I may get!  Hee! Hee!  On the flip side I have gained 3 lbs. 

Analise's face is healing beautifully.  
Unfortuantely, I can't seem to down load the other pictures.  I will have to do it on another post.


Friday, April 19, 2013

still on level 4, 5 & 6 (this sucks!)

Now Analise broke out.  I believe it was Monday.   Poor thing, it itches really bad.  I didn't take a picture of it today, 5 days later.  The last few days, it has gotten more swollen and moved to her lips.  I started getting worried about the swelling around her mouth, so yesterday I bought Benadryl.  I think it is an allergy another friend of mine thinks it's die off.  I am so confused.  It doesn't matter which one because I am at a stand still.  I need there faces to heal so I can try the food again.  Sebastian had a tiny break out, so I bumped him back to 5.  He seems to be fine, so now he is beginning stage 6, which is adding more fruits, almond flour, etc.  The older two are almost onto full Gaps.  The other frustrating thing is meals and snacks.  I am feeling quite overwhelmed with all the different stages. I can't blame Analise and Bjorn, they just are sick of cooked veg. and meat.  They can't wait to eat a raw carrot.  I don't think it would be fair to move the other girls back since they are doing fine.  I am hoping this will only be a few more days....

Monday, April 15, 2013

Still on stage 5 & 6

Bjorn's face, the next day, after eating tomatoes and applesauce.  Saturday

Monday, 2 days later, seems a little worse.  The rash seemed to have spread to his chin.

 This is totally frustrating.  Yes, I am glad it is obvious his body isn't handling certain food.  But what and for how long does it take to go away?  Everyone else is doing great. We did all of our subjects and everyone didn't grumble about all the work.   Although, I was quite grumpy this weekend, I didn't get as much sleep as I needed. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stage 5 & 6

It seems as if we had no problems yesterday which was stage 5.    Everyone was just fine.

Then, I feel as though I am on a stumbling block for  Bjorn.  He woke up and he has a few rash like spots on the left side of his face.  I think he is a lot like me, I break out when I am eating something I am not suppose to.  So I am wondering if it was the applesauce or mango?  Hmmm...   Other than that we are doing just fine.  Unless I count the 4 hour grocery shopping spree today.  Nathan wanted me to wait until the 15th to draw money from the bank.  I didn't want to take that much time off from school so I did it today.  Ugh!   The traffic, I do not mean the road, I mean in the stores.  Holy Moly.  I told Nathan I would never do that again.    We will be stuck on stage 6 for a few days.  There are quite a few foods to introduce, now. 


the sweetest thing!  Who knew?


Lunch, we got to have crunchy vegetables! Chicken salad, tomatoes-might be the culprit for Bjorn's face?

 Taco salad- the kids had no cheese, this was Nathan's plate
For dessert I made mango yoghurt, everyone but Cozi liked it.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 4, Stage 4

My goodness, this is way too easy.  The kids woke up just fine today.  Hannelora said her legs were really tired whenever she exerted herself and Cozi felt a little jittery.  She might have low blood sugar.  She told me laughing today at breakfast, "Mom I got out of bed and ran right into the wall!"  We all had a good laugh. 

Today they were giddy for sausage and eggs.  This made their day!  They did really well with broth.  I am so getting tired of soup and broth myself and I am not even drinking nearly as much as they are.  Everyday, they have taken an Epson salt or baking soda bath.  The kids have never been so good.  I am afraid that we might have to remain on intro forever.  Hee, hee!!  Everyone's behavior has been really positive.  There is the usual bickering, but other than that so quiet.  It could be a couple of factors too, not doing all the subjects for school and the kids are no longer in karate (- we will make up the 5 months we are taking off next school year.)  We are doing less and staying home more.  Ahhhhhhh!  We are happy being less busy and chaotic. 

We went to the library today and while I was cleaning the kitchen, Cozi read a chapter in her book to me.  Enjoyable.  
Sebastian has been so pleasant today.  He helped pickup messes without being asked to, he avoids arguing with me, and he is constantly asking if I need anything else.

When I was out and about, we went to the grocery store for some mangoes.  They get to have applesauce and mangoes.  I am so happy for them.  I know we are going fast, but to me if there is no side effects we are just going to keep moving onto the next stage. 

Eggs and sausage

Lunch we had Ham soup:  blah!  Getting tired of liquids all together!

Dinner:  grilled chicken/steamed veggies
 dessert:  acorn squash bars again!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 3, Stage 3

I came home from swimming to find Sebastian had thrown up at 7 a.m.  I am glad he threw up before we ate breakfast because then  I would be wondering if it was the egg whites.  I was relieved. He was feeling fairly nauseuas all morning and laid on the couch.  He ate  very little until lunch.  5 bowls of spaghetti!  Cozi was the other one who felt  puny.  The other 3 were fine.  Bjorn was a little bit more whiney then the last 2 days.

Sebastian slept for awhile on the couch this morning.

 Breakfast they ate eggs, winter squash bars, and broth

Lunch:  spaghetti, cooked vegetables and sourkrout.  EWWWW!  I had to plug my nose.  I don't think I will ever get use to the fermented vegetables.  At least the kids see me eat stuff I don't like.


 Snack:  yoghurt with a tad of honey, broth and avacado.  Only Bjorn and Hannelora had the  avacado.

Dinner:  unstuffed peppers- Nathan and I added cheese.  I put my cheese on the bottom of the plate and then scooped the food over it.  It is already tough for the kids, I don't want to make it any worse for them.    They were so happy to have the squash bars for dessert.  Stage 5 they will be able to eat some fruit.  It will seem like candy!
Tomorrow, if everyone is fine we move onto stage 4.  They get to have grilled or roasted meat.  Yea!   

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

2nd Day

I was pleasantly surprised to wake up with all the kids feeling fine.  No die off effects yet.  I am waiting for the bomb to drop here in the next few days.  With all the broth and sourkrout juice they should be feeling tired, lethargic, nauseous, grumpy or something...

The kids took a baking soda bath today and they loved it.  Cozi looked as if she was going to fall asleep.  She has been quite mellow today.

This morning the kids ate scrambled egg yolks in ghee, yoghurt, and broth.

Lunch we had chicken, steamed broccoli and broth

 downing his broth, yummmm!
Dinner:  we had chunky Chicken soup

Stage 3 tomorrow! The kids are excited we get to move onto the whole egg and winter squash bars.  I am not sure what stage baked food is, but I am going to give it to them anyway.  I can't wait to see what is in store for me tomorrow. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

First Day on Intro

Saturday evening after cooking all day I did make my last meal of the day:  Cauliflower/Broccoli Chicken Casserole

Sunday: Nathan finished making a little coop for the little chicks.  They spent all day out there, nice and safe from the "big girls".  This way we can slowly integrate them.  It may take a few weeks especially with the snow.  We keep them in at night and when it snows.

 Monday 4/13

Today was way too easy.  I sat the kids down and told them they could have a point for taking their vitamins in the morning, not complaining about their meal and for each cup of broth they drank.  So 4 points they could earn 1/2 hour of computer or tv time.  Of course the requirements were to finish school, make sure their chores were done and then they could.  We finished school by 11:40.  It was nice. They did everything like troopers and they all drank 6 cups of broth today.  Even Cozi!

The only symptoms were mostly from Analise.  At 9:30 a.m. she began crying incesantly.  After awhile I cuddled her and told her it was probably her body trying to detox.  She also was the only one with an upset stomach at 3:30.  It was right after they ate coconut oil and honey.  I think it was too much for her.  Bjorn was Sir Pee-A-Lot.  I already warned him about this so he would not have any accidents.  I felt like everyone was running to the toilet more.  Which makes sense when we are are drinking more liquids throughout the day.

I am wondering what is in store for tomorrow. I guess I will have to wait and find out.

Coconut oil and honey
 something different to eat besides broth
 making ghee, the white stuff on top is the impurities
I scoop off the top and throw away.
 the clear gold is ghee
 I filter it with a coffee filter
 Ghee for tomorrows scrambled egg yolks
 The kids loved the snow day, they played together with the playmobil doll house

 Analise sits on the couch doing a puzzle because of her tummy.  She seemed to get better after the ginger tea I made her.

Dinner:  hamburger patties cooked in broth with shredded carrots and cauliflower
and asparagus