Friday, April 19, 2013

still on level 4, 5 & 6 (this sucks!)

Now Analise broke out.  I believe it was Monday.   Poor thing, it itches really bad.  I didn't take a picture of it today, 5 days later.  The last few days, it has gotten more swollen and moved to her lips.  I started getting worried about the swelling around her mouth, so yesterday I bought Benadryl.  I think it is an allergy another friend of mine thinks it's die off.  I am so confused.  It doesn't matter which one because I am at a stand still.  I need there faces to heal so I can try the food again.  Sebastian had a tiny break out, so I bumped him back to 5.  He seems to be fine, so now he is beginning stage 6, which is adding more fruits, almond flour, etc.  The older two are almost onto full Gaps.  The other frustrating thing is meals and snacks.  I am feeling quite overwhelmed with all the different stages. I can't blame Analise and Bjorn, they just are sick of cooked veg. and meat.  They can't wait to eat a raw carrot.  I don't think it would be fair to move the other girls back since they are doing fine.  I am hoping this will only be a few more days....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Amber. I cannot imagine. Hopefully, they'll be on the same menu soon so life will simplify a bit!