Monday, May 27, 2013


 I love the way children think.  All of my children, but Cozi is highly imaginative.  I have been wanting to take pictures of her room earlier.  She loves American girl dolls. She has been working hard making furniture for her doll out of cardboard.  Now she is making accessories.  

towel rack

                                                                       TV remote

 TV with show playing  (Ha, Ha, Ha!  This is as close as Cozi is getting to having a tv in her room!)
 another show
 watching her show with popcorn of course

 leaning dresser
 I am not sure what this is, shelves of some kind
 Apparently, her doll isn't on GAPS.  Chocolate chip cookies, Starbursts, Cheetos etc.

 pencil and color pencil holder

 pencil made out of toothpicks- adorable
 colored pencil made out of toothpicks

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Death of a dear,dear frog and a Very Happy Birthday Boy

Lois (Luis) dies....  I am not sure we are amphibian people.  This is our second frog.  At least he lasted for 4 months.  I am bit relieved, no more stops at the pet store twice a week for crickets.  Cozi is excited because she can start saving her allowance for some American girl doll clothes.  She was happy to sell her cage to a friend of hers. 

A little crusty.
 his name tag

 Daddy turned 39 on Monday, May 20th!
 another German Chocolate Cake, Zeb made a batman decoration for dad
 happy with his pan

He was actually very excited about the targets I got him. 

 I stand corrected, another great present.  Between him and Bjorn, they will conquer Epic Perplexus.  I love the fact, that Bjorn would rather play with this game instead of the computer. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

You never know what may come...

Wow, what a day!  I went birthday shopping for Nathan and Bjorn.  I am so happy, I actually have some ideas!  Since Easter, they both have mastered Perplexus, I got Epic Perplexus for them.  Bjorn carries the ball around with him wherever he goes.  It is so cute to see him actually doing the maze.  Nathan wanted a seasoned 12" steel skillet.  So I got that.  A skillit!  $44 worth!  At least he can't burn it in the fire!  I also bought him some rubber type targets that you actually shoot but they can't have bullet holes pass through them.  So he can use them over and over!  Bjorn loves music so much, I bought him the New Toby Mac CD. 

Then I went to MSU-B to swim.  Our coach called some of us to swim while Jordan gets interviewed by KULR-8.  She is going to be featured on Athlete of the Week this Wed.  She went to the Nationals Swim Meet somewhere down south.  (I can't remember)  She is an amazing swimmer.  Anyway they wanted us to swim to look like our regular swim time in the morning.  So I swam, no big deal.  When I got out of the pool they told me we all would be interviewed.  No way!  I don't public speak!   I would have an Art Therapy job if I didn't have to take speech class.  I eventually caved in.  Besides it was suppose to promote our wonderful swim group.  Well, I started out fine, but half-way through I forgot the question and from there I was self conscious.  Now I kick myself all over after thinking of things I should have said.  Oh well shoulda, woulda, coulda.  The best part is, I probably looked totally silly, because we didn't get a chance to do our hair.  I looked like a wet rat with my hair parted down the middle or worse.  We no longer get cable, so I don't think our regular free shows are accessible.  So I will have to check it on-line, if they have it.  But then again, I might not want to.  I really don't care what I look like ordinarily, but I really am insecure how thin I am.  I was very self conscience.  At least I brought a zip-up sweatshirt and pants.  I guess, I can say it is definitely a learning experience to get out of your comfort zone.  The worst thing that could happen to me is looking silly.   Well, I am prepared...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hannelora's has dyscalculia

About 2 weeks ago, I called Independent School to get Hannelora checked out for her math.  They called me right away and began testing her.  I really do like the school and the staff.  Finally, all of Hannelora's testing is done and we now know she has a math learning disability.  It really doesn't come as a shock.  What made me relieved is the school psychologist told me it wasn't anything I was doing wrong with her, so I should 'take the monkey off my back'.  Cute expression, although I feel much relieved.  I was beginning to wonder if it was my teaching, with 3 dyslexic children and now Hannelora's learning disability, I am beginning to get overwhelmed.  I just wonder how I am going to manage next year.  I am only one person.  Of course, I am going in thinking all this with a very exhausted brain.  It is the end of the year and I am plumb tired.  I would like to take a vacation from cooking, teaching and even parenting.  Alas, I cannot.  I am however, going to take a week off after the 24th from school.   No new pictures as of right now.  I am sure there will be some around the corner.  Nathan's birthday is Monday.  I am very excited.  I actually have a few gift ideas for him.  I usually don't... So it should be fun.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

My German Chocolate Cake.  It looks a little naked.  We halved the frosting.  Last time Hannelora made a mistake and it was runny.  It covered the cake last time.  This time, it worked, but it looks like we were stingy with the frosting.  We even put some in the middle.  It was still very, very yummy.  I don't think I could tell the difference between German Choc. cake with white flour vs. coconut flour.  

BIKE!   I finally got a bike!  I am so excited.   I haven't had a bike since Hannelora was born.  (I do but it doesn't have a seat.)  Now I can ride with the kiddos.  I might still attempt the Sprint Triatholon for Big Sky State Games.  I enjoyed that so much.  Even gaining 3 lbs. I feel so much more energy and endurance.  Yea!

Isn't she a beauty?

This weekend I had no desire to do any work.  So Analise and I painted some book shelves we received from our neighbor Sharmi.

I painted daisies on them to match her room

Monday:  I had the opportunity to watch my 6 month old nephew.  He is so adorable.  Analise and Cozi go goo-goo over him.  It was actually easy to do school with him.  He was always being played with.
Bjorn is sitting in his Bumpo seat.  Sorry Shena, he thinks he is still a baby.

Isn't he adorable?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Two words: Laughing Gas!

Yep, I am not ashamed.  I took it.  It was my happy place while the dentist was working on my tooth.  And I am going to get it again on Monday while they finish me up.  Smile.... 

Remember when I last showed the quarter lb. egg?  Well, this is what we got a few days ago.  It was probably the same chicken. Can anyone blame her.   Her bottom was probably too sore to poop out anything larger.  It was so cute!

 There it is, on the left...

I ordered some e-books and some of them were cookbooks.  Yea!
These are enchiladas, instead of tortillas I used cabbage leaves.  It turned out really yummy!

 Breakfast yesterday:  Blueberry breakfast pie 
The kids gobbled it up.

 Tonight we had chicken broccoli bake with an almond crust.

I cooked pretty much all day.  I am pooped.  I needed to make my German chocolate cake, some sandwich wraps for lunch tomorrow- we won't be home until after lunch and breakfast for tomorrow.  I don't know if I will ever get over how much cooking is involved with GAPS.  Sheesh.

A camping trip and a little break for momma

Nathan took the kids camping last weekend and I stayed home.  We all had a great time.  I got quite a few chores done on my own time, I didn't have to think about meals or snacks except for my own...   It was heavenly.  I didn't even mind sleeping by myself.  I listened to my own music as loud as I wanted, watched Chick flicks (thanks Brenda)  cleaned the house, grocery shopped and took breaks because I actually had time.    On the other hand, the kids and Nathan had a fabulous time.  Nathan had his fire and cast iron.  The kids had a blast climbing trees and running around.   I know some people may think that I should have gone to be with the family.  But not this time.  I needed me time.  As a homeschooler and stay at home mom, I never ever get alone time.  Not like this.  It was perfect.  Besides, I will wait until it gets warmer out there.  With no generator, no thank you!

 The happiest camper of all.

 A few bumps and scrapes