Thursday, April 29, 2010


excited for his first game

...look at the concentration....

Grant and Zeb

running home

Sebastian's turn at being a catcher

He likes it! Yea! I am so happy he likes t-ball. It is fun to see him out there with other kids who don't know what they are doing. Fun chaos. The girls even have fun hanging out at the ball field.

Microscopes and art

The girls had fun looking through the microscope and guessing what was on the slide.

After awhile the girls started taking samples of their hair, underneath their fingernails and teeth.... yuck! They had so much fun.

Analise wasn't sure about it...


Hannelora's horse and bowl

Cozi's kitty

Yellowstone Art Museum art class
Laquita and her kids with Jenny H. helping Abagail






Sarah Grace


The kids drew a picture with oil pastels and then painted with watercolor over it. Their pictures turned out so well.

sculpting her horse

funny sister...

Viking ships

We are doing our unit on discovers and we decided to attempt to make a Viking ship. The sisters paired up to make their boat.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I must be blind

I just don't see it, so many people say they look so much alike.... Well I thought I would see it too when I cut their hair. Hmmmmm...... Nope, still don't.

Easter means...

Egg Hunts:

pretty hair:

The girl's gave mommy and daddy our own Easter baskets.

Celebrating Jesus' resurrection with loved ones...

more egg hunting:

Easter is my favorite holiday. I am always greatful for Jesus dying on the cross for me and even more so that He rose on that wonderful Sunday. We had a wonderful day.