Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The girls are in ballet and loving it. They have been wanting to do this for soooooo long. They go on Monday's and are in different classes. Cozi is taking a pre-classical ballet class at 3:30 and an hour later Hannelora's ballet I class begins. They started the first of the year.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday morning

Well here we are, finally starting the basement. We decided it was time to begin, we will save up money as we go, instead of putting it on credit.

The girls are making wrapping paper. Hannelora has a birthday party to go to today, so we decided to decorate some paper (grandma Carol gave me the idea). A perfect craft to do on a cold and wintery day!

Crazy hair night

He wanted his hair to look like Wolverine's in X-men. Not sure if I accomplished this, but he was happy.

Awana had crazy hair night. The girls did each others and I did Zeb's.

School Projects

Kaila and Ellie

Zeb and Grant

We are studying the Renaissance for history: I have an art curriculum that follows our history and here we are learning about a painter, Pieter Bruegal. We are using a stamping method using vegetables and paint.

We learned about another artist, Albrecht Durer. He was a german printmaker who supported Marten Luther. The kids took a crack at some monoprints.

The sun and the 9 planets

waiting to get started....

Carol is talking about the planets

We gathered with Becca and her 5 kids and Carol and her twins to make our own solar system. The yellow balloon is the sun and the planets we covered balls in fabric. It was a great hands on project so the kids can see the order, size and color of the planets.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Babies can sleep anywhere, any which way

Bjorn often gets upset when I lay him down for his nap. Generally he throws everything overboard and in this case his shirt, pants and even his socks.... Mind you we have a fire place and the upstairs stays pretty cool like 66 or so.... Brr..... I had to cover up the lil guy.

When Bjorn gets to feisty I place him in the pack and play. He often settles down and plays after a while. Well I found him with a book in his lap, asleep. Adorable and sad.... I instantly put him in his bed. I wish I could just have a tantrum when I am upset and then fall asleep.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My little superheros

extra bouncey

Analise and Sebastian were playing so beautifully today. It must be the underwear! At least there weren't any snuggies! hee, hee!

Cleaning the basement

Oh happy day! I have been looking forward to getting rid of all of our stuff. We have so much and we don't use it. We made 3 piles: keep, give away and throw. We had a truck load to the dump and another one to good will. It feels so good! Now I think we are going to start saving money to finish the the basement.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Morning


hmmmm.... how come I only got a candy cane?

Bandaids from our wonderful neighbors, Rich and Sharmi. Thanks! We will never run out again!


More games from Aunt Katherine and Uncle Seth! We love games!
Bible Trivia, memory, spidey chutes and ladders, Monopoly, and a Noah's Ark Puzzle. Fun!
Thanks Seth and Katherine and the littles!

Thanks Uncle Christian, Aunt Laurel, Kaden and August!

The girls got iron-ons, Bubba a book and Zeb a sticker spidey book.

The moment I have been waiting for.... We got the kids PLAYMOBIL, it is soooo cool. I had so much fun putting it together. The girls got a doll house and Zeb and Bjorn a castle.

The Wii big game hunter, yeah! Another gun for Natey-cakes!

Thanks Karen, this is so much fun!

We got mom and dad plates that the kids made, so they can eat on their own plate whenever they are at momo and papa's.

Mom and dad were stunned when they found out their gift from my brother and his family. A copper out-door heater, way cool! Don't you love my dad's expression?

Gramps and Bjorn

Happy Birthday baby Jesus cake. The reason for Christmas, we had to have a birthday cake.

Bubba and Papa

Great Grandma and Cozi