Saturday, January 2, 2010

Doggie Duties

Picking up dog doo


The kids love Mandie, our dog. We have had her for a month now and she has shown some more spirit than when we first received her. I was laughing so hard when Zeb first picked up dog poo. He was smiling the whole time! (too bad he doesn't still enjoy it) He picked it up with his shovel and then placed it on the kid picnic table. (ewww!) We told him to put it in the dump truck. Then he ran it over to the back by the field and scooped it out with his mittens (ewww! I washed them too!) It was hilarious. Bubba loves to brush Mandie, notice he is brushing on the wrong side of the brush. Good job Bubba!

Mandie seems to enjoy Hannelora and Cozi the most. Probably because they play with her the most. She tolerates the rest of the kiddos. Nathan loves Mandie. I am baffled, he is very fond of her and plays with her. In fact, the other day he put her on his lap while he was sitting in his leather chair. She doesn't seem to have a whole lot of retriever in her. We throw the ball and she goes and gets it but then she goes and lays down with it and chews on it. We are very happy with her.

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