Monday, November 24, 2008

Hannelora's mini meet

Hannelora's class

floor routine

balance beam

run, jump and land

Kjersten, Aspen and Hannelora

Sebastian sitting oh so patiently. He made himself quite comfortable on all of the equipment. (he also takes gymnastic classes)

Sporting their 4 ribbons
Last month, I signed Hannelora up for a mini meet. Which means it is low key and builds self esteem without pressure of competition. Hey, I was impressed that Hannelora did all her routines by herself. What a brave girl. (my camera was running out of batteries, so some of the pictures aren't very clear)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's always really dull or quite crazy around here!

just another boring home school morning

Mommy or daddy were no where around, when Hannelora and Cozi confiscated me. I ended up with 3 tattoos on my face. I am totally innocent!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nathan's Buck

Nathan is so proud he got his buck. He shot it November 12th. I hope nobody is too queasy by looking at the pictures. We really hoped for him to get an elk, but so far no such luck.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My two great helpers

I watched Cael and Brennen this last Thursday while Karen took Hannelora and Kjersten to knitting class. After Cael awoke from his nap I took out some of our baby toys. Cozi and Analise had more fun giving Cael the toys than Cael had playing with them. I think he likes it over here, he is totally surrounded by girls who dote on him!

Cozi claps for Cael as he plays with the toys

And of course Zeb and Brennen

Good-bye garden

our tomatoes, snap peas and corn

our strawberry patch

turning the dirt over

corn stocks

Last Sunday was another beautiful day, we needed to turn the dirt over and clean out the garden for next year. This is a sad part, I love my garden and I wish it could grow all year. Maybe it is a blessing, so I won't get tired of my garden and some of the work it entails. We have high hopes for next year. This year wasn't the best since we had a really late frost (mid-June, I believe. ) Hopefully next year we will have a bumper crop!

Whales: a science project

blue: Cozi, red: Hannelora and Zeb: yellow ( two had a little help from mommy, can you guess which ones? hee, hee)

Kjersten and her creation


Cael: our little helper
We are getting together with Karen and her four children for science projects. We are making an ocean box with creatures that we learn about. So far it seems the girls love creating whales out of colored clay. Sebastian got as far as picking out yellow and then deciding it was more fun to play with Brennen. (The reason I don't have a picture of him)
For science this year we are reading: Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Creatures of the Fifth Day. The kids are gobbling it up, it is amazing what I took for granted. I dislike fish or anything that swims in water and now I may not want to touch them but I sure find it amazing how truly God is unique and awesome in his creation.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Princess, Fairy, Superman and Pooh in a Pumpkin

Oh the poses

at Aunt Beki's

decorating their goody bags

Our little Pumpkins, Jen and Jaxson
me and Bjorn

Analise without a nap, however she perked up after eating all the candy corn on her table

Bjorn with Aunt Beki (Aunt Beki lent Bjorn the pumpkin suit)

still eating candy corn

Bjorn with Grandma

Grandma helps Analise frost her cookie

Why wait to eat it? Zeb piled m&ms on top of his frosting...