Sunday, April 28, 2013

GAPS is an art not a science!

I know art and I think I have failed!  I literally have no clue why my children broke out.  They are all on stage six and slowly moving onto Full Gaps.  What I thought I knew, I knew nothing.  I am just happy everyone is getting better.   I did get a cold, which is very mild.  I am baffled.  My immune system is getting healthier but now I feeling like the rest of my body is falling apart.  I totally feel like I am becoming a hypochondriac.  I am going back to the dentist to get a root canal.  I have to do this twice.  The first time he needs to go back in and place medicine in the infected area and seal it up and then a few weeks later I have to get it done.  I do not handle pain well, so he prescribed Valium.  I wish he would hit me over the head with a hammer instead....   A week ago, I noticed a pain on the left side of my neck and skull.  I can trace a line from my jaw pain to the pain in my neck.  Whenever I turn my head (at least most of the time) it cracks and I feel a dull pain.  Also, I may have a hernia right above my belly button.   Jordan told me not to worry about it unless it gets bigger and painful.  O brother!  Seriously,  I am only turning 37 this Friday.  Hmmmmm.... I believe this gives me a great excuse to celebrate my birthday for a week.  I mean who knows what other ailment I may get!  Hee! Hee!  On the flip side I have gained 3 lbs. 

Analise's face is healing beautifully.  
Unfortuantely, I can't seem to down load the other pictures.  I will have to do it on another post.


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