Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stage 5 & 6

It seems as if we had no problems yesterday which was stage 5.    Everyone was just fine.

Then, I feel as though I am on a stumbling block for  Bjorn.  He woke up and he has a few rash like spots on the left side of his face.  I think he is a lot like me, I break out when I am eating something I am not suppose to.  So I am wondering if it was the applesauce or mango?  Hmmm...   Other than that we are doing just fine.  Unless I count the 4 hour grocery shopping spree today.  Nathan wanted me to wait until the 15th to draw money from the bank.  I didn't want to take that much time off from school so I did it today.  Ugh!   The traffic, I do not mean the road, I mean in the stores.  Holy Moly.  I told Nathan I would never do that again.    We will be stuck on stage 6 for a few days.  There are quite a few foods to introduce, now. 


the sweetest thing!  Who knew?


Lunch, we got to have crunchy vegetables! Chicken salad, tomatoes-might be the culprit for Bjorn's face?

 Taco salad- the kids had no cheese, this was Nathan's plate
For dessert I made mango yoghurt, everyone but Cozi liked it.

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