Saturday, July 13, 2013

Our garden is so beautiful

My mouth was watering for lasagna.  So I tried it with eggplant as the noodles.  I fried them in olive oil and then layered the meat, ricotta cheese and eggplant.  Viola!  It was great.  Although I think next time I will peel the outside.  It tends to be a little tougher.

Yum!  The kids enjoyed it, some would like the eggplant out.  I would try it again though!

I am so happy, I wanted to reseal our patio for a couple of years now.  The sun destroyed the top coat and now it looks brand new and you can see the color!  I love it!  Our next project is to build the pergola.  We will see how far we get tomorrow.  I love our backyard.  

 We planted black raspberries about 4 years ago and we hardly had any. This year we have a ton! 

 strawberries, raspberries and snap peas
 The garden which has grown amazingly this year, I am not sure if it is the weather, chicken poop, help from my parents or all  of the above.:  tomato plants-my dad grew these from seed

 in the back are zuchini and acorn squash

 carrots, onions, garlic, radishes, parsnips, lettuce, kale and potatoes  (the rogue pumpkin plant is growing over the lettuce and kale)

 strawberries and pumpkins

 snap peas, brussel sprouts, and green beans

More raspberry picking on the side of the house.
 On another note:  I have been really struggling with my son, Sebastian.  We always seem to butt heads.  It is really hard to teach him responsibility because he blames everyone else for his problems.  He seems to be miserable about everything these days.  He hates GAPS (he is fine until he sees other kids eat junk food- he wants this really bad.  I told him if it is so bad he could eat beans for every meal.  Forget the eggs, sausage, icecream, smoothies......), he doesn't want to be home schooled (he thinks he is the only one this summer doing school-one of his school friends is even doing  worksheets everyday) It is always something.  I told him he was the only one responsible for his happiness and that only he can decide to be happy or miserable.  He just doesn't get it and I am really struggling right now.  Karen told me to not engage with him and his arguing, but I seem to fail every time.  Ughhhhh!  I hate seeing him angry all the time, but I am not going to change things just because he doesn't like it.  I wish I knew how to help him.  Please Lord, help me with my son and wisdom as a mommy. 

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