Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The big Owie!

My poor baby had to get stitches yesterday. We took a walk yesterday afternoon and Zeb had fight with the pavement. (He fell off his bike) Well you can guess who or in this case what won. I was thinking it was no big deal until I saw his chin literally dripping blood. This momma does not do well with blood. I instantly started getting woozy. Thank heavens Stu Davis was out chopping wood (I was just talking with him) and he came to the rescue. In fact, it was totally amazing I had 2 other gals stop to help. One of the gals went to pick up Tayna who is a nurse. She said he definitely needed stitches. Another gal offered to take me home to get my purse and take Zeb and I to the hospital while Tayna (the nurse) took the rest of the kids home with her. I could barely think straight so anything sounded good to me. I remember getting my purse and actually clutching my purse trying desperately not to faint. (Oh a horrible feeling) As soon as we were in the ER I felt so much better because there were people to help my babe.

Oh I have heard other people say that boys get tons of scraps and broken bones, but ugh! I hope this is the only time, I don't handle it well. I couldn't even watch him get the stitches in. I just held his hand and sat on a chair by his head. Nathan thought it looked pretty cool. At least one of us can handle it. Also, I am so blessed to have wonderful and caring neighbors! They were amazing. It was as if God knew I couldn't handle the situation by myself and He gave me people to help. Thank you God!

Today we are going to go for another walk and I had Hannelora get water and snacks ready. Beside all the food was 3 boxes of bandaids she put into the bag. Oh well, at least she is going to keep me accountable! I had a good chuckle.


The Ferguson's Plus Four said...

Oh, ouch!! Sounds like you handled it very well, considering! Glad to hear he is better.

Cynde said...

Way to be prepared, Hannelora! You're a good big sis and a great help to Mom!!