Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trout Hatchery and Fossil Digging

My dad wrote this letter to the kids. I get my humor from my dad, he is quite priceless! (Ikeep forgetting to have my kids sign their names to go on the trip-oops)

they held the fish in a large building
Dad is joking around with the kids by sticking his finger in the water.

Dartanian, Hannelora and Zeb- I wonder who has who on the leash?

The kids got to feed the fish outside, they would practically jump out of the water to eat. Kinda cool.

here we are crossing a pretty big stream

some sort of snail they call the devils claw and a part of a squid

My dad is quite the adventurer, he has been wanting to take my kids here for a long time so we decided to go last weekend. It was fun, but a little treacherous! We had to walk on a slanted path that I swore was carpeted in biting ants. Mom and I had to turn around with the three younger ones, they were scared and crying. At one point Zeb slid and almost fell into the stream, made my heart pump faster! My dad wanted all the kids to hunt for fossils so we pulled over the side of the rode and here they are walking down the slope. My kids had quite a journey! We finished our trip with an ice cream cone!

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