Sunday, November 3, 2013

Zeb's decision.....

Drum Roll please....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  To stay home!  I sat down with him Friday morning and we went over the pro and cons, this is his list:

Pros for Home school
finish earlier
better breaks 6 weeks on 1 week off plus most of December and all of August off
study Greek History
sleep in more

Pros for public school
recess-play 4 square
see friends everyday

Cons for home school
subject I don't like Suzan Barton

Cons for public school
in school from 8:30-3
can't eat food at school or any treats
get up at 7 and be gone by 8:15
potential bullies
walk the path and stand in lines when it is cold

I told him that whatever he decides we are sticking with for the rest of the year.  He understands what I expect out of him and hopefully we will have a great rest of the school year.  I happily can say that I didn't try to persuade him any which way.  As a mom I thought it best to sit down with him and figure out both sides of each decision.  He seems to be happy with his decision and I think so because he got to make it entirely on his own.  My goal for him this year is responsibility and I hope he embraces it with fervor this year!

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