Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pictures of Cozi's and Analise's rashes

No fun!  It takes about a week to run their course.  Cozi even took sourkrout and broth to help heal it.  And then Cozi broke out in a different rash all over her body.  It looked like a different rash this time. I really wanted to go into the Naturapath but I didn't have $166 since Cozi would be a first time patient.  So I sucked it up and went to the regular doctor.  He thought it looked like scabies!  Gasp!  No way, how on earth!  I was horrified!  I bought spray for the mattresses to kill the bugs and washed all the girl clothes, towels, and bedding.  Hannelora and Analise had it mostly on their hands and some on their back and neck.  Yuck!  They had to put a cream from head to toe and repeat a week later.  Everything is starting to go away. 

A dear friend asked why do I and another friend who has been on GAPS almost as long as I have develop so many skin rashes?  I don't know the full answer to that, but I can assume it is because our bodies show us ways that they can't handle what is going on inside of us.  Most of us have never had major stomach pain, except Hannelora.  Mine was always acne and skin itchiness.  If I think about it, it makes perfect sense that my girls would break out from something they ate that isn't from clean eating.  If we have been use to taking out all nitrates, grains, nitrites, sugar and then introduce them once in awhile, our bodies won't know what to do with the toxin are bit of food that is hard to digest.  It will be very interesting when we slowly introduce new foods back into our diet and see how we react.  It truly does stink. 

This has not been the easiest thing I have ever done.  In fact, just yesterday, I was craving gummy bears.  Silly! Of all things!  I was trying to justify that it would be ok to bring them back because they had juice in them!  Hee, hee!  We don't even drink juice unless it is freshly squeezed (highly processed).  No way am I going to waste precious fruit so I can have some juice.  Anyway, I have grown accustomed to many things about this diet.  It is easier to come up with different foods off the top of my head now a days.  Now if we can stop the cold that is going around.....

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