Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Feeling poor part 2

I have so much sympathy for people with chronic diseases, I have been having stomach pain for 8 days straight.  The pain is right below my belly button.  An hour after each meal, I would have pain for at least 2 hours.  That is 6 hours at least a day.  I was emotionally and physically drained. Day 7 I broke down and cried.   My sister may have figured out what happened.  She thinks that since I irritated my intestines by eating something I was "allergic" to, caused a down hill spiral of pain.  She possibly thinks the diarrhea may have caused less bile to be made and since GAPS is high in fats, bile helps break down the fat. My body couldn't digest what I was eating causing intestine inflamation, bloating, pain etc.  She suggested I get DGL- licorice which coats the lining of the  intestine to help soothe the pain.  Also to eat white rice, turkey and broth.  Basically only soothing bland foods.  Staci S. recomended I do intro even if I shorten it drastically between the 6 stages.  Yesterday I decided I was going to jump in and do it.  Analise and Hannelora said they would do it with me, but only after their birthdays and Easter.  Very sweet, but I need to do it now because I can't eat the usual food I would prepare. 

I went to the naturalpath this Monday.  She wanted a blood test to rule out appendicitis.  My white blood cells were normal high, but the test also showed some kind of allergy.  I am assuming I am eating something that is not sitting right.  She told me also to double my probiotics as well.

Stage 1- day 1:

I took an Epsom salt bath (1/2 c.) Amazing!   Anybody who knows me, knows I don't do baths.  I have a thing with hair, ugh!  Even if it is my own.  So I grinned and bared it for 20 min.  I taught Cozi Suzan B (her reading program) hee, hee!  I do have to say, I felt so relaxed I could have taken a nap.  (Sigh)

Breakfast: I had a bowl of chicken soup
Lunch: bowl of chicken soup, boiled chicken and broccoli
Dinner:  the same:  I know boring!

Here are some pictures from last week:

 kind of cool and disgusting:  One of the frog's crickets shed its skin and became twice as large.

 Sebastian talking to Grant (he moved away 2 years ago)

 I tried venison steak twice now.  I thought I would make a tamari marinade, no can do!  Only Zeb, Bjorn and Hannelora gulped them down.   Regular beef steaks from now on for me.

 We dog sat Eddy for 2 nights.  The kids loved him.  Hannelora was in seventh heaven.  He followed her around like she was queen.  So cute.  No I have no desire to have a dog, chickens are perfect for me.

 Sleepover with Eddy.  He was very much pampered.

Breakfast on Sat.  (I had a stomach ache afterward)

Bacon, eggs and blueberries

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