Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new start

I am so glad that we can start fresh every day.  I talked with Nathan last night and we kind of  compromised.  In just 2 weeks Nathan lost 10-12 pounds without trying to.  He has literally been starving, but I won't feel guilty because he is an adult and he could find something else to eat if he chose to.  Apparently, my husband is terrible when starving (who wouldn't be?).  I am not sure what we will do for certain, but I know I won't be buying everything organic.  It is not like you can be a purist unless one can grow his own food and animals.   Besides, there are some things I know we can't do ir get use to, such as fermented vegetables.  Yuck!  That is not a battle I want to fight with my children or husband.  So we will do the best we can, I hope to finish out doing what I have been doing for at least the end of the month.  Then I might start rice or some other side dish to help keep us feeling less hungry.  We must have huge metabolisms because we are eating huge amounts of oils, fats, meats and nuts.  Maybe for birthdays, we order pizza etc, or go out to eat once a month or so.  I have to admit after living the lifestyle I was use to, I miss it.  I don't think about the next few days or weeks ahead, I can only think one day at a time.  Otherwise, I get overwhelmed with trying to keep up and maintain the household.  


 Last nights meal, unstuffed peppers

 steamed broccoli

 Tonights dinner:  salad
 GAPS bread- not bad!
 Beef Stew


My Snapshot said...

Way to go, Amber! I am so impressed that you will continue on. And truthfully, even if you can't follow it all the time, any parts of it that are workable have to help. :) By the way, I've been wondering why Nathan didn't just grab a cheeseburger and fries while working. :)

Jeannie Sweeney said...

When we're on full gaps a year ago, we felt starved. But after a month the kids and I were completely satisfied with our meals, but my husband whose diet was still bad at work never felt satisfied with our meals. Needles to say, he was a pain in my butt!