Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4, Friday

Last night, after ranting and raving, I ate dried mangos.  They were perfect!  I might have eaten a total of 3 mangos but it satisfied my sweet tooth.  

Breakfast casserole (cauliflower, cheese, egg, bell pepper, beef sausage)/Melon

I made the kids take one bite of yogurt, we are suppose to have some sort of probiotic/fermented food with every meal-this is tough.

Cozi had a tantrum for the second morning.  She is protesting.  She never did eat breakfast.  She said, "Mom, why do you have to make this so difficult?"  Poor thing, I get it, I don't want to do it either.  Don't let the smiling pictures fool you, they like taking pictures:)  Analise and Sebastian ended up hating the casserole.  So far Bjorn and Hannelora are my troopers.  Sebastian still has been getting angry and the fighting is still the same among the children.  Although, I can see the kids talking this through with each other and I can believe this will bring us closer as we go through this hard adjustment period. 

The computer switched my pictures around yet again.  For dinner we had hotdogs/brusselsprout slaw.  For dessert I made a yummy smoothie. MMMMM.....
 shredded brusselsprouts/toasted pecans/bacon and a dressing of olive oil, apple-cider vinegar, mustard

This will have to be my go-to lunch:  ants on a log/cuties and veggies+ an extra scoop of peanut butter.
Today, has been much better.  I had breakfast done the night before and lunch was a piece of cake.  I just wish I was more creative with easy meals.  I am going to have to do a bunch of cooking and baking for this coming week. 

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